
Your email mentions "drop".

What about trying another technique where you do not have "drops", such as the 
liquid interface diffusion method (in capillaries), or the use of dialysis ? 
under oil (injection of the 2 components under "oil") could also be tried.


> Message du 14/11/11 22:15
> De : "Nian Huang" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [ccp4bb] [off topic] Control of crystals' direction and position in 
> the drop.
> Dear All,
> Does anybody find a way to control a crystal's positioning in the drop? I
> have needle shaped crystals. What I found out is that the vertical
> positioned crystals always grow much thicker than the crystals laying
> flatly. But unfortunately, it is a completely random event and only 1%
> crystals can appear vertically. I have tried different formats of plates
> and equilibration techniques w/o much success. Any suggestion is highly
> appreciated.
> Nian Huang, Ph.D.
> UT Southwestern Medical Center

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