Is it like this one:

Not sure I would want to put it into the dining room...


On 01/11/2011 2:34, Katherine Sippel wrote:
Hi all,

I'm going to interject into the middle of this rousing though protracted
debate to pick your brains. I am in possession of a rather large and
intact brass scale Kendrew model (sans mirrors). Due to facility
restructuring we no longer have room for it. I have approached the local
health science and natural science museums but have gotten nothing but
the run around. This amazing model is in need of a forever home and I'm
stumped as far as alternative ideas. I am seriously considering
suspending a Mars bars in the sugar binding cleft, calling it MBP, and
trying to spin it to the art museum as a modernist piece commenting on
the diets in Western civilization. Either that or putting it in my
dining room if I can get it in the door. Any suggestions would be



        Andreas Förster, Research Associate
        Paul Freemont & Xiaodong Zhang Labs
Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College London

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