I never thought that science should be done democratically. (Note, I voted to 
see results. Otherwise results are invisible). It would be unimaginable to 
decide by majority vote that a particular equation  or theory is valid (e.g. 
relativity theory).  I thought that storing data is a scientific question and 
should be tackled scientifically. You provide evidence, proof or proof of 
The most important question is repeatability of the experiment.  Question is: 
how far should we go? I know that there is at least one case of overmerged data 
in the pdb. This particular question could be solved (only partially) if you 
deposit unmerged data, with images it is solved completely. Overmerging means 
averaging structures, thus losing differences between them (biologically 
important or not). Overmerging could be over translation (superlattice), 
rotation (higher space group) or both.

Has anybody ever done systematic analysis of pdb (even better data sets 
collected on one of the synchrotrons) to see the seriousness of the problem? I 
suspect the problem is much more serious than it is perceived.

Before you provide sufficient evidence everybody will have their opinion.


On 27 Oct 2011, at 17:08, Ed Pozharski wrote:

> I am curious as to what the collective opinion on the raw data
> deposition actually is across the cross-section of the macromolecular
> crystallography community subscribed to the bb.  So, if you have a
> second and a formed opinion on the idea of the depositions of the raw
> data, please vote here
> http://tinyurl.com/3qlwwsh
> I'll post the results as soon as they look settled.
> Cheers,
> Ed.
> -- 
> "Hurry up before we all come back to our senses!"
>                           Julian, King of Lemurs

Garib N Murshudov 
Structural Studies Division
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Hills Road 
Email: ga...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk 
Web http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk

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