Adam, I do know how to use sfall atmmap


On 10/05/2011 02:40 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:
Adam, sorry I don't use overlapmap, for the reasons you mention (and many
others!).  In fact I decided it was in such a mess that it was irrecoverable
&  so I wrote my own program EDSTATS to do all all these electron density
stats (and more).  I talked about it at the last CSW (, and
submitted it to CCP4 in January but it doesn't seem to have made the latest
release yet (or even the pre-release), so at the moment I'm just
distributing it to anyone who's interested.


-- Ian

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Adam Ralph<>wrote:

Hi Ian,

  Yes I agree. The whole program is a bit of a mess and could do with some
I am not an official CCP4 maintainer any more but I might send them
something. Do you
know how to use SFALL ATMMAP? I tired to test overlapmap's residue
correlation but did
not work properly.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Tickle"<>
To: "Adam Ralph"<>
Sent: Wednesday, 5 October, 2011 11:36:30 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Overlapmap

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Adam Ralph<>  wrote:

Hi Brigitte,
You are correct, the columns labeled Fobs and Fcal refer to density. The
columns should be: averaged density for Obs and Cal for the main chain, then
averaged density Obs and Cal for the side chains. I have included a version
of overlapmap that calculates the R-factor correctly and have changed the
above columns in the output.
All the best Adam

Documentation should be fixed too :)

-- Ian

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