Oh god no don't ask Procheck , its Rama plot is a complete disaster zone - for 
one thing, it's * ancient*. Doesn't discriminate between amino avoid types. 
Grrr. To be avoided at all costs.

Sent from tiny silly touch screen

----- Reply message -----
From: "Edward A. Berry" <ber...@upstate.edu>
Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2011 07:12
Subject: [ccp4bb] Ramachandran plot difference between  Coot and Morprobity (or 

What does ProCheck say?

Xiaopeng Hu wrote:
> Dear all,
> I just notified that there is a big difference between the Ramachandran plot 
> analysis results produced by Coot and Morprobity (or Phenix). For the 
> structure I am working now, Phenix(Morprobity) gives out Ramachandran 
> outliers 0.2%, favored 95.2%, whileas Coot gives out Outliers 1.24%, Allowed 
> 5,14% and Prefered 93.62%.I am wondering if there is a simply explain for the 
> difference which I don't know? Or I just made some silly mistakes?
> Best wishes,
> xiaopeng

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