This is the first announcement of an X-ray protein crystallography course in Oulu, Finland, from January, 30 till February 3, 2012. Further details of the outline of the program are given on the WWW-site, as listed below. The topic of the course focuses on data collection, data processing, data tracking and phasing. The course is sponsored by Biocenter Oulu, Biocenter Finland and BioStruct-X.

The following teachers have agreed to contribute:
-Manfred Weiss (Berlin, Germany) (General Introduction)
-Rik Wierenga (Oulu, Finland) (General Introduction)
-Harry Powell (Cambridge, UK) (MOSFLM/SCALA)
-Marianna Biadene (Karlsruhe, Germany) (PROTEUM)
-Kay Diederichs (Constanz, Germany) (XDS)
-George Sheldrick (Göttingen, Germany) (SHELXC/D/E)
-Martin Walsh (Diamond, UK) (on-site and remote data collection at the Diamond synchrotron)
-Chris Morris  (Daresbury, UK) (PiMS/xtalPiMS)
-Stuart McNicholas (York, UK) (CCP4MG)

It will be possible to collect in-house data. More details are also available on our WWW-site. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data and/or their own crystals.

Please contact Vanja Kapetaniou for registration, as documented on the WWW-site; please include in the registration a cv and a brief statement on your motivation why this course will be beneficial for you.

Rik Wierenga, Vanja Kapetaniou, Kristian Koski

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