Dear All

I may not have understood but if I run PDBe PISA 
and go Interface>Details 
then I get a table of the form eg for H-bonds

Hydrogen bonds
 1       A:GLN 213[ NE2]         3.52    A:SER   3[ O  ] 
 2       A:ASN 112[ ND2]         2.77    A:SER   3[ O  ] 
 3       A:GLN 213[ NE2]         2.99    A:SER   4[ O  ] 
 4       A:LYS 154[ NZ ]         2.74    A:ILE   5[ O  ] 
 5       A:ARG 214[ NH2]         2.75    A:GLU  16[ OE2] 
 6       A:TYR 168[ N  ]         2.86    A:LYS  31[ O  ] 
 7       A:TYR 168[ OH ]         3.00    A:ASN  34[ OD1] 
 8       A:LYS 175[ NZ ]         2.95    A:ASP  36[ OD2] 
 9       A:ARG 129[ NH1]         3.22    A:ASP 127[ O  ] 
 10      A:ARG 129[ NH2]         2.90    A:ASP 127[ O  ] 
 11      A:HIS 363[ ND1]         3.47    A:GLN 132[ O  ] 
 12      A:HIS 363[ ND1]         3.41    A:GLN 132[ OE1] 
 13      A:TYR 350[ OH ]         2.71    A:LEU 179[ O  ]

which seems to include atom details (not Hs however).

In the new pages there is no longer a pulldown for atomic detail but this now 
is the default. 

Hope that helps

--- On Tue, 23/8/11, <> 

> From: <>
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] PISA question
> Date: Tuesday, 23 August, 2011, 17:50
> Dear Tongqing
> No there is no such option in CCP4's PISA, but I put this
> on the list for further developments. Regrettably PDBe
> changed the interface after I moved out and I cannot help
> you with that. However, you may ask them to put that option
> back.
> Sorry,
> Eugene.
> On 23 Aug 2011, at 17:16, Zhou, Tongqing (NIH/VRC) [E]
> wrote:
> Dear CCP4bb,
> We are trying to get some detailed interface information
> from an antibody:antigen complex, PDBePISA used to have an
> option to select atomic level details, now the new web
> interface only gives residue level information. Is there a
> way to run PISA (in the CCP4 package) with a different
> configuration to get the detailed information?
> Thanks,
> Tongqing
> Tongqing Zhou, Ph.D.
> Staff Scientist
> Structural Biology Section
> Vaccine Research Center, NIAID/NIH
> Building 40, Room 4607B
> 40 Convent Drive, MSC3027
> Bethesda, MD 20892
> (301) 594-8710 (Tel)
> (301) 793-0794 (Cell)
> (301) 480-2658 (Fax)
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