Dear Eswar,
You could try to slow down crystallization somehow. There are several
ways to accomplish this:

1) increase drop size
2) add small amounts of glycerol (1-5% v/v)
3) cover the reservoir solution with paraffin or silicon oil or a
mixture of both in order to reduce the vapor-diffusion rate
4) find another additive that would change the crystallization regime
(e.g. kosmotropic/chaotropic agents)

Good luck!

On 08/18/2011 04:24 AM, eswar reddy wrote:
> Dear All 
>                     I was working two domain protein and i have an
> hexagonal look like crystals from  additive screen, now i am facing
> problem  these crystal are growing in 2 minutes even in cold room even
> at lower protein concentration @2mg/ml . and i have an smeary data of 7
> Å, and we thinking one domain might be flexible and other is stable
> is there anyway  to increase the crystal packing ....
>   Any suggestions are welcome.
> Eswar Reddy


Dr. Christian Biertümpfel
Research Fellow
Vaccine Research Center/NIAID/NIH          phone:  +1 301 594 8726
40 Convent Dr, Rm. 4613B                   fax:    +1 301 480 2658
Bethesda, MD 20892-3027

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