유상헌 wrote:
> Dear all,
> First I’m a beginner of linux and I’m trying to install CCP4 on my 64bit 
> Fedora 13.
> If there is anyone who successfully installed ccp4 on 64bit fedora13,
> please, instruct me how to install this program in detail.

I recently installed CCP4-6.1.3 from source on fedora 14, 64-bit.
After googling solved a few problems it went easily.

Maybe the problems are all fixed in 6.2 so try that first.
Un-tar the package- read INSTALL (or INSTALL.html or .ps) in the top directory
Try to follow the instructions for installing from source and see where you get 
Check the list of problems reported and see if there are solutions
   at http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/problems.php

For me, this site had most of the answers:


For fedora, use "yum install" instead of "apt-get install"
and "yum provides" (or whatprovides) instead of "apt-file search"
(And unless you are a mac person, you might be more comfortable becoming root 
rather than
prepending every privilege-requiring command with "sudo")

If you have trouble with TCL/TK read below-quoted message.
Mosflm site has more suggestions.
better yet: 

Mark Del Campo wrote:

> Okay, I got the problem resolved in the following way (thanks go to Clint
> Leysath):
> 1. removed the tcltk++ directory that came with my ccp4 download
> 2. installed Activestate's tcltk from
> https://www.activestate.com/activetcl/downloads/
> 3. downloaded blt2.4z.tar.gz and the blt2.4z-patch-2 from
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/blt/files/
> 4. unpacked blt2.4z.tar.gz and moved the patch file into the blt2.4z directory
> 5. patched the blt installation (patch -p1 -i blt2.4z-patch-2)
> 6. then reordered statements in blt2.4z/src/bltTree.c [this is detailed at
> http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4i/install_tcltkblt.html under the heading
> Compilation failure in bltTree on 64-bit machines]
> 7. configured the blt install (./configure --with-tcl=/path/to/ActiveTcl-8.4)
> 8. installed blt (make)
> 9. for some reason bltwish did not end up in /path/to/ActiveTcl-8.4/bin even
> though the configure script said that is where it would be put, so I moved
> it to /path/to/ActiveTcl-8.4/bin
> 10. edited 1 line in ccp4.setup-bash  (setenv CCP4I_TCLTK
> /path/to/ActiveTcl-8.4/bin/)
> 11. opened a new terminal window&  ccp4i works

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