I am trying to refine a protein-DNA structure, and I am having difficulties refining the DNA using COOT. I used the ccp4i Phaser program to molecular replace the protein and DNA simultaneously (there are solved crystal structures of the free protein and a similar DNA bound to another protein), but I am only able to manually refine the protein in COOT. If I try to refine the DNA, a window pops up with the following statement: No Restraints Found! Non-existent or minimal description of restrained residues. How do I create a non-minimal mmCIF dictionary for just the DNA? I am relatively new to crystallography and would appreciate any guidance.
You don't mention which version you are using...
I believe that if you use the current stable version of Coot (0.6.2) refinement of DNA should "just work".
It's less likely to work without effort if you use an old version. Paul.