One holistic way to view a reciprocal lattice (or subset thereof) without the 
requirement for 3-d or moving frames is with a pole figure.

See Palmer & Ladd for a better discussion.

I don't know what software can make a pole figure, though. 


On Jul 21, 2011, at 6:36 PM, Michael Thompson wrote:

> Hello ccp4 & phenix BB members,
> I would like to view the intensity-weighted reciprocal lattice for several 
> data sets that I have collected. (The data have been indexed, integrated and 
> scaled with Denzo and Scalepack.) I was wondering if anyone could offer some 
> advice on what might be the best and/or most practical way to do this?
> I know that there are several programs out there that can generate sections 
> (i.e. 0,k,l) of the reciprocal lattice, such as LABELIT and xrayplot. Are 
> there any other options for doing this, perhaps within ccp4 and/or phenix? I 
> once saw someone give a presentation and they had a little video that showed 
> a three dimensional section of the reciprocal lattice rocking back and forth, 
> which was really cool. I liked this because I felt like it gave a much more 
> holistic representation as opposed to viewing a bunch of individual sections. 
> I don't know if there is an easy way to do this, or if this person somehow 
> managed to create this 3D depiction from a series of sections.
> Any tips or recommendations would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> -- 
> Michael C. Thompson
> Graduate Student
> Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Division
> Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
> University of California, Los Angeles

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