Hi Rojan

The tables you refer to are histograms (see the documentation and the original 
paper), with the
first two columns defining the left and right hand side bounds of each
histogram bin.  The first table is a histogram of the
distances between the surfaces, with the area being that associated with
the surface patches associated with the inter-molecular distances within that 
bin. The
remaining columns are cumulatives of this and percentages of the same. The
second table is similar, but instead the histogram bins define the spread
of the -ve dot products of the normals. The first pair of tables is for
the second surface with respect to the first, these tables are then
repeated for the first surface with respect to the second.

These tables are given mainly for diagnostic purposes. The final table at
the end summarises the mean and median values of the histograms and their
averages, and finally gives Sc.

best wishes

Mike Lawrence
On 20/06/2011, at 11:28 AM, Rojan Shrestha wrote:

> Hello,
> Does somebody know the meaning of output of SC?
> What is the meaning of From and To in “Distance between surfaces”?
> From     To           Area      Cumulative_Area             %            
> Cumu. %
> Similarly, what is the meaning of surface complementarity?
> From     To           Number               %
> Does this Number indicates the residue number?
> Regards,
> Rojan

Mike Lawrence, PhD

Associate Professor and WEHI Fellow
Division of Structural Biology
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
1G Royal Parade, Parkville
Victoria 3052, AUSTRALIA

Tel. 61-3-9345-2693   
Fax 61-3-9345-2686
Email: lawre...@wehi.edu.au

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