UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT (UConn) POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS, BURKHARD LAB Crystallographic and biophysical studies of intermediate filaments
Postdoctoral positions (including a senior postdoctoral position) in Intermediate Filament Structural Biology are available immediately for highly motivated individuals with a strong interest in crystallographic and biophysical studies of intermediate filaments in the lab of Prof. Peter Burkhard at the University of Connecticut, Storrs (UConn). The Burkhard Lab merges structural, biophysical, computational and nanotechnological methods to dissect the structure, assembly mechanism and function of intermediate filaments. More information is available at the lab website: The posts offer ideal opportunities for experienced crystallographers interested in continuing structural studies, but who would like to complement his or her expertise with other, diverse computational and biophysical tools for understanding intermediate filaments and coiled-coil proteins. Projects focus on determining the structures of intermediate filaments at their various assembly stages to unravel their mechanism of filament formation. As this work is funded by a NIH P01 grant, the successful candidates will work with top-tier biological collaborators with exciting possibilities to correlate structural studies with cellular functions. Candidates should have (or expect) an Ph.D. or M.D. and should have experience in protein purification, crystallization, and structure determination. For the senior postdoctoral position at least two years of postdoctoral experience is expected. Interested individuals should send a current CV to Prof. Peter Burkhard at Peter Burkhard ____________________________________________________ Peter Burkhard, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Nanobiotechnology The Institute of Materials Science University of Connecticut 97 North Eagleville Road Storrs, CT 06269-3136, USA Phone: +1 860 486 3830 Fax: +1 860 486 4745 E-mail: Web: