1. I would recommend to use Molprobity on the website: 
2. Remember that if your spacegroup is P1, the origin (i.e. translations along 
a, b and c) is not determined and the first molecule may be placed anywhere. 
Similarly, in monoclinic spacegroups, the translation along b. is not 

Mark J van Raaij
Laboratorio M-4
Dpto de Estructura de Macromoleculas
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia - CSIC
c/Darwin 3, Campus Cantoblanco
E-28049 Madrid, Spain
tel. (+34) 91 585 4616

On 9 Jun 2011, at 09:46, Ting-Wei Jiang wrote:

> Dear experts,
> I got two questions regarding refinement and structure determination by MR.
> 1.I got a dataset of resolution at 2A refined to Rvalue~20% and Rfree~24%
>    I want to know if there is any program in CCP4 could help me to check the 
> refined structure in detail.
>    For example,the model statistics in CNS could list some information that 
> infer band,angle violation...etc
>    Or I should ask what do I need to check before submitting to PDB.
> 2.A dataset of resolution collected to 2.2A is from native protein crystal(A) 
> and its complex form(A'+B)
>   whose PDB code is 2QN5 was already determined by MR(use another protein as 
> search model).I planned 
>   to use A' as search model but the A' looks broken.  
>   This number of molecules in AU was predicted to 4~6 using Mathews 
> coefficient. 
>   N/a        M.C.       solvent%
>    4          2.99          58.92
>    5          2.39          48.65
>    6          1.99          38.38
>   The coordinate or orientation of output pdb(as attached figure) from MR are 
> always different since I changed
>   parameter,such as different resolution,Multi copy,search mode...etc. even 
> the contrast value of every run
>   is pretty high(>>3)
>   I really don't what happened with this dataset and any suggestion would be 
> greatly appreciated. 
> <output-pdb.png>

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