Many of you will have seen the request for expressions of Interest for the phase III proposal for "A versatile microfocus beamline with an in-situ side station for macromolecular crystallography at DIAMOND".
As one of the co-proposers I would like to urge you to support this proposal and write a letter of support utilising this link: (this link also provides access to the details of the proposal when you click on the title) You may already have been contacted by other colleagues in the MX community but this is of high importance to the structural community as a whole, and we also invite international colleagues to provide support. To help us collate these EOI's and comment on any additional feedback you may have, we would ask you to do this by June 8th. Thanks, Johan Dr. Johan P. Turkenburg X-ray facilities manager York Structural Biology Laboratory University of York Phone (+) 44 1904 328251 York YO10 5DD UK Fax (+) 44 1904 328266