Dear colleagues,

I have two problems in two structure refinements using REFMAC5.

1) 1.8A resolution, zinc in the active site. Refinement using work
reflections - ADP for Zinc was about 14. Final refinement including
all reflections increase ADP to 20 or even higher values - followed by
very high positive difference density in position of the zinc. I have
tried also PHENIX, the same thing. I changed ADP manually to 14 and
only calculated maps (no refinement) look good. May I deposit the
structure using "manually" fixed ADP according to the best agreement
to the observed and difference electron density? By the way, it is
clear that this is zinc.

2) 1.9A resolution, about 600AA, all of them OK in electron density.
But, somehow, about ten atoms give very strong positive electron
density suggesting they are not taken into account in refinement. On
the other hand, ADPs are reasonable and seem to be refined. All of
these atoms are fully occupied. I tried to omit whole residues and
build them again, but the maxima appeared again. Using of PHENIX
resulted in no difference electron density for these atoms. I have
also tried to take PHENIX output to REFMAC, but the maxima are there
again. It is always one or two atoms from the same residues -
sometimes Calpha, sometimes Cbeta, sometimes C, sometimes NH1, but
still on the same five residues. Does anyone have any idea how to
solve this problem?

Many thanks for any response.


Petr Kolenko

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