Dear Geoff

Perhaps you could try jligand available from:

There are few tutorials how to deal with ligands and links.

I hope it helps


On 20 May 2011, at 21:59, Geoffrey Feld wrote:

> Greetings fellow Crystallographers,
> I'm working on a structure at 1.8-A resolution that contains an acetone 
> crosslink between 2 cysteines (crosslink was incorporated by adding 
> 1,3-dichloroacetone). I figured that the easiest way to model this is to 
> mutate one of the cysteines to S-acetonylcysteine (CSA in the PDB) and then 
> link it to the other cys. I've seen how to do this in COOT using the 
> mutate-by-overlap function; however, CSA is of course not in the CCP4 library 
> that is installed on our system. I've built restraints for CSA using 
> phenix.elbow and tried importing the residue into COOT that way, still to no 
> avail. So I figured the way to go now is to import the cif file directly into 
> the LIBCHECK library in our system and then I should (in theory) be able to 
> use mutate-by-overlap to place the residue. However, this is where I'm stuck. 
> I can't seem to figure out the notation for importing the cif file into 
> LIBCHECK. I tried using FILE_CIF CSA.cif and I get an error "reading title of 
> input file." What am I doing wrong? Is there another approach I should 
> consider? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Geoff
> -- 
> Geoffrey K. Feld
> Department of Chemistry
> 492 Stanley Hall
> University of California, Berkeley
> "Vigilia pretium libertatis"

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