Hi Hailiang, I guess you can store the map in CCP4 map binary format or convert it into corresponding Fourier map coefficients and store them in MTZ format (note: in this case if you convert them back into a mask it will not be a binary function anymore) - both shouldn't take a huge amount of space.
Pavel. On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Hailiang Zhang <zhan...@umbc.edu> wrote: > Hi, > > As I understand, the general molecular mask generated by CCP4 (eg > sfall+mapmask) are binary mask file which needs lots of memory space. I > just wonder whether we can generate some small mask files represented by, > say, envelope function (F(sita,psi)) > (http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2001/10/00/ba5001/ba5001.pdf). This > will save lots of disc space and lots of efforts for my problem. Thanks! > > Hailiang >