Hi Amit,
you can manually define the range of a spectrum in PyMol:
spectrum [parameter], [spectrum type], minimum=[min], maximum=[max]
--> if you want to color according to B-factor this will translate to
e.g. :
spectrum b, blue_white_red, minimum=0, maximum=50
hth, Arjen
On May 12, 2011, at 8:31 PM, Luthra,Amit wrote:
Hey all,
I would like to make one ribbon diagram of the structure showing
the B factor in different colors (contour levels).
I am using pymol but it is not representing the perfect contour
level of B factor. Is any other program where I can change the color
according to B factor?
Amit Luthra, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
The Radolf Laboratory
Department of Medicine
University of Connecticut Health Center
[w] http://spirocheteresearch.uchc.edu