Turning off force full gpu scaling is indeed the solution to this problem
(at least it was for me).
On May 10, 2011 6:58 PM, "Eric Bennett" <er...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Nvidia lists that monitor on their list of supported hardware:
> http://www.nvidia.com/object/3d-vision-requirements.html
> They even sell some Acer monitors in their online store although they are
labeled in conflicting ways.
> I tried upgrading the driver yesterday to the 270.41.06 version but it
didn't make any difference, still only 100 Hz. Are you using Windows or
Linux? We're using the 64-bit Linux driver.
> -Eric
> On May 9, 2011, at 4:26 AM, Takaaki Fukami wrote:
>>> not seen a working 120 Hz stereo setup working on the Acer GD235
>>> if you ask the Nvidia driver or the monitor, it reports 100 Hz instead
>> This is what I encountered on Dell Alienware OptX AW2310 with Quadro
>> which has been fixed by nVIDIA Linux driver update (in 256.44).
>> I don't know if the Acer monitor is compatible or not,
>> it seems better to ask NVIDIA directly. see:
>> http://twitter.com/#!/NVIDIAQuadro/status/65188179753435137
>> Takaaki Fukami
>> -----
>> Discovery Platform Technology Dept. Gr.5
>> Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.