Thanks a lot!
> If you are trying to make a mask in spacegroup P21, that;s not the way
> to do it.
> Make the mask in NCSMASK without a symmetry keyword. Then run mapmask to
> change the spacegroup to P 21 and use EXPAND OVERLAP to generate the
> symmetry copies of the mask.
> Hailiang Zhang wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to generate a mask using NCSMASK; however, whenever I tried to
>> add
>> the SYMMETRY keyword, and output mask cannot be opened in coot. The
>> following is my script and I was testing on PDB# 2VZ8. Thanks in advance
>> for any suggestions:
>> ncsmask xyzin ${EOMDATA}/2VZ8.pdb mskout 2VZ8-ncs.msk << eof
>> END
>> eof
>> Hailiang
> --