Dear All,
We got crystals for a 35 KDa protein with 323aa including His tag and
linker. It was originally crystallized in 0.1M BisTris Propane pH:6.5, 0.2M
Potassium thiocyanate and 20% PEG 3350. Later we managed to obtain crystals
with 0.1M BisTris pH:6.5, 0.2M Potassium thiocyanate and 20% PEG 3350 as
well. Crystals are 3 dimensional in shape and 0.2-0.3mm long. Maximum
resolution obtained till now is 5.8Å. Tried various cryo conditions like
Oil, glycerol, salt and sugars. However, the resolution hasn't improved. The
crystal tends to break in the presence of glycerol.
Kindly give your suggestions to improve the resolution.