Thank you for the comment. You are correct that there are being backups
made in the newer interruptable fit function (they were't previously in
the uninterruptable fitting). I wasnt thinking about that (*). This may
(especially on windows) slow down things a great deal as we write and
gzip these files as well. To note here, gzip may be slow on windows as
is writing files. In the pre-release versions I disabled the gzip on
windows by default (and in general made the compression of backup files
optional). This may speed up things (in certain circumstances).
I hope this clarifies things a bit...


(*) It's debatable if we want backups here or not. If you can and want
to interrupt the fitting you may want to go back one step, which
requires a backup. On the other side this will write a lot of backup
files which is slowing thing down by writing and compressing files, as
well as producing a lot of backup files. Discuss... (or Paul and I just

> Hi Xiaopeng, and those who are using the new interruptible
> "fit_protein..." or "stepped_refine..." in wincoot 0.6.1:
> I just took a look at wincoot 0.6.1's file
> (WinCoot\share\coot\python\ It seems that in the old
> "fit_protein()" and "stepped_refine_protein()" functions, the backup
> was programmed to be turned off during the cycles when it steps
> through the protein.
> However when using the "Stepped refine..." from the "Extensions" menu,
> the program starts to spit out tons of backup files. I then checked
> the "". It turns out that these menu items are calling the
> new "interruptible_fit_protein()" function instead of the old
> uninterruptible ones. Some further experiment showed that this
> behavior was dependent on the "backup state" variable of the model
> being refined. When the "backup state" is 1 (the default value?),
> these new interruptible fitting functions will save a compressed
> backup file on each step.
> So, in order to save time when using the new interruptible protein
> fitting functions, one can type the following command in the python
> script window to tweak the "backup state" to 0:
>> make_backup(imol) #to save a backup
>> turn_off_backup(imol)
> where imol is the number associated with the pdb file being fitted.
> Do not forget to turn it back on after the fitting:
>> turn_on_backup(imol)
> To check the current model's "backup state":
>> backup_state(imol)
> Zhijie
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Xiaopeng Hu" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 9:02 AM
> To: "Zhijie Li" <>
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] step refine speed of wincoot
>> Dear Zhijie,
>> Thanks for there suggestions.
>> I tried to turn off backup (with script command) and it did help
>> although not much. Is there any way to add this perference to setting
>> of coot/wincoot?
>> best
>> xiaopeng
>> ----- 原始邮件 -----
>> 发件人: "Zhijie Li" <>
>> 收件人: "Xiaopeng Hu" <>
>> 发送时间: 星期二, 2011年 3 月 29日 下午 7:46:05
>> 主题: Re: [ccp4bb] step refine speed of wincoot
>> Hi,
>> If you feel the refinement to be too slow, you may turn off the smooth
>> centering (in preferences) or change the centering steps to a smaller
>> number
>> to save unnecessary graphical calculations. To go extreme, you may even
>> remove the real time display commands in the scripts - also a way to
>> test if
>> the difference observed is due to different graphical efficiency.
>> Reducing
>> the size of the displayed map also helps.
>> The other thing you may need to consider is that coot/wincoot will
>> save a
>> backup file each time it updates the model, which means on each step
>> of the
>> refinement you have a new file generated (take a look at the coot-backup
>> directory when doing stepped refinement). If your windows disk is
>> terribly
>> fragmented then sure you will spend a lot of time on writing these
>> files.
>> The other thing is, windows has a different file caching mechanism than
>> linux, this can also cause a huge difference when a few hundred small
>> temporary files are queued for writing. My impression is that both the
>> ext2/3 file system and the way linux handles caching are more
>> efficient for
>> this kind of situations. You may try deleting the files in
>> wincoot\coot-backup periodically and defragmenting that partition.
>> Making a
>> virtual disk in the RAM to put your backup directory there could be
>> something to experiment on too.
>> Zhijie
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Xiaopeng Hu" <>
>> Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 9:22 AM
>> Subject: [ccp4bb] step refine speed of wincoot
>>> Dear all,
>>> I found the step refine speed of wincoot is much slower than that of
>>> linux
>>> coot (with the same pc). Is it normal or I need to configure something
>>> with the wincoot?
>>> best,
>>> Xiaopeng Hu

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