The IUCr standard is to make a<b<c, see

and P 2 21 21 is a perfectly valid space group

Pointless will reindex within the same point group, or you can choose the a<b<c 
convention (SETTING CELL_BASED) or the "reference" setting P 21 21 2 (SETTING 
SYMMETRY_BASED), so you have a choice

Most programs are perfectly happy with space group P 2 21 21 (I'm not sure 
about [auto]Sharp)


On 31 Mar 2011, at 15:28, Anita Lewit-Bentley wrote:

> Dear all,
> I would like to share my experiencde with a rather unexpected problem of 
> indexing conventions. Perhaps I can save people some time....
> I have a crystal in the more unusual P21212 space-group (No 18). Its unit 
> cell lengths are b>a>c (please note). I systematically use XDS for data 
> integration, since so far it was able to handle even the most 
> horrible-looking spots.
> Now XDS indexed my data in space-group 18, but with the axes order a<b<c! It 
> had, in fact, "invented" a space-group P22121, which does not exist. I did 
> not realise this until I had spent a couple of weeks with beautiful peaks in 
> rotation functions, but hopeless results in translation functions. It wasn't 
> until I looked more closely into the definition of the screw axes that I 
> realised the problem.
> POINTLESS does not allow a reindexing of reflexions within the same 
> space-group, but fortunately REINDEX did the trick at the level of 
> intensities, because I like to use SCALA for careful scaling of my data.
> So, basically, beyond just warning people who might encounter similar 
> problems, I was wo,dering if XDS could perhaps reindex reflexions according 
> to Int. Table conventions once the screw axes of a crystal system have been 
> identified?
> With best wishes,
> Anita
> Anita Lewit-Bentley
> Unité d'Immunologie Structurale
> CNRS URA 2185
> Département de Biologie Structurale & Chimie
> Institut Pasteur
> 25 rue du Dr. Roux
> 75724 Paris cedex 15
> Tel: 33- (0)1 45 68 88 95
> FAX: 33-(0)1 40 61 30 74
> email:

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