Dear Javier,

Thanks for your reply. I am using coot 0.6.1, and I could copy molecules
with names besides "A" only if chains are already present in both NCS.

For chains which are only present in one NCS , I did find out a way to copy
to the other NCS by using 'Find NCS ligand' , although it is not a ligand.

For example, there are already "chain A - chain D" in the first NCS, and
"chain E-chain H" in the second NCS. I build chain 'M' from the scratch in
the first NCS, and I want to copy it to its NCS mate.

1. Change the master chain to chain A
  "Draw->NCS ghost control->change to chain A"

2. go to "Extension->NCS->NCS ligands->",
In upper dialog box, "Protein with NCS", Fill the master chain ID to "A".
In the lower dialogue box "Molecules contain ligands", choose the right
molecule and Fill 'M' and 'residue ranges'.

Coot will give a few positions to fit the chain, just choose the right one.


2011/3/31 Javier Garcia <>

> Dear Zhang yu,
> I also found that same problem recently. I think is a small bug from Coot.
> It will only copy NCS if the molecule's name you want to copy is molecule
> A.
> So maybe will work if you rename your built chain as A.
> Good luck!
> Javier
> On 31/03/11 00:16, zhang yu wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have two fold NCS in ASU.  I could find phase by molecular replacement,
>> but I have to build other chains by myself, since the model is not complete.
>> During model building in coot, I built one chain in one NCS, and I merged
>> this chain into the previous molecule. Now it is the "chain M'.
>>  When I tried to directly copy this chain to its NCS mate, It didn't work.
>> I followed the instruction posted before"
>> What I did is
>> 1. Change the master chain to chain M         "Draw->NCS ghost
>> control->change to chain M"
>> (The terminal said 'there are no ghosts" when I change the master chain to
>> chain M)
>> 2. go to "Extension->NCS->copy chain->", coot ask to fill the master chain
>> ID, and I typed "M"
>> Nothing happened.  Could someone tell me what is the correct procedure to
>> do it ?
>> Bye the way, for those chains present in both NCS maps, I modified one
>> chain and applied the change to its NCS mate by using the same above
>> procedure, and it worked.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Yu Zhang
>> HHMI associate
>> Waksman Institute, Rutgers University
>> 190 Frelinghuysen Rd.
>> Piscataway, NJ, 08904

Yu Zhang
HHMI associate
Waksman Institute, Rutgers University
190 Frelinghuysen Rd.
Piscataway, NJ, 08904

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