Hey Mark,

In Window PC, I used ImageReady, which comes with Photoshop.
see this:

Alternatively, using Mac version of Pymol, you can easily make a movie and
save it in quick time format
see this:


On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 1:21 PM, <mjvdwo...@netscape.net> wrote:

> All,
> Pardon the slightly off-topic question.
> We would like to use Pymol and generate movies with it on a WINDOWS
> computer. We are very familiar with Pymol and how to make the correct views
> etc. We write the individual frames out into PNG files.
> So what is left to do, is to "stitch together" the PNG images to an MPEG
> file. On Linux you could do this with mencoder. But we would like to do this
> on Windows and installing mencoder on windows is possible but not easy.
> We have found videomach, which costs a very small amount of money to
> obtain. Similarly, Adobe Premiere is affordable for an educational
> institution. We don't mind paying, but before we go there, does anyone have
> experience with making MPEG movies from PNG files on windows? What is your
> experience with quality of product and especially with user friendliness?
> If you have any insight, we would appreciate your comments.
> Thanks!
> Mark van der Woerd
> Colorado State University

Matthew L.H. Chu, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar - Weis Lab
Department of Structural Biology
Fairchild D143, MC 5126
Stanford School of Medicine
Stanford, CA 94305-5432
Lab: 650-724-3306
Alternative Email: matt...@stanford.edu

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