For myself, I decide on the high resolution cutoff by looking at the Rsym vs resolution curve. The curve rises, and for all data sets I have processed (so far) there is a break in the curve and the curve shoots up. To near vertical. This "inflexion point" is where I decide to place the high resolution cutoff, I never look at the I/sigma(I) values nor at the Rsym in the high resolution shell.

As a reviewer, when I have to evaluate a manuscript where very high Rsym values are quoted, I have no way of knowing how the high resolution cutoff was set. So I simply suggest to the authors to double check this cutoff, in order to ensure that the high resolution limit really corresponds to high resolution data and not to noise. But I certainly do not make statements such as this one.

I have seen cases where, using this "rule" to decide on the high resolution limit, the Rsym in the high resolution bin is well below 50% and cases where it is much higher. Like 65%, 70% (0.65, 0.7 if you prefer). So, in my opinion, there is no "fixed rule" as to what the acceptable Rsym value in the highest resolution shell should be.


Van Den Berg, Bert wrote:
There seem to be quite a few “rule” followers out there regarding resolution cutoffs. One that I have encountered several times is reviewers objecting to high Rsym values (say 60-80% in the last shell), which may be even worse than using some fixed value of I/sigI.

On 3/3/11 9:55 AM, "Ed Pozharski" <> wrote:

    On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 12:29 +0100, Roberto Battistutta wrote:
    > Does anyone know the origin or the theoretical basis of this
    > >3.0" rule for an appropriate resolution?

    There is none. Did editor ask you to follow this "suggestion"? I
    wonder if there is anyone among the subscribers of this bb who would
    come forward and support this "I/sigmaI >3.0" claim.

    What was your I/sigma, by the way? I almost always collect data to
    I/sigma=1, which has the downside of generating somewhat higher
    R-values. Shall I, according to this reviewer, retract/amend every
    single one of them? What a mess.



    "I'd jump in myself, if I weren't so good at whistling."
    Julian, King of Lemurs

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