Hi all,

As you may recall, the Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe; http://pdbe.org) announced a substantial make-over of its website last summer, including the release of a number of new features (such as PDBprints - http://pdbe.org/pdbprints - and a biologist-friendly structure browser - http://pdbe.org/browse). Now we are proud to announce a further update which brings several new tools and services as well as lots of improvements "under the hood" (performance, presentation, search speed, etc.).

As always, the URL http://pdbe.org will take you to the PDBe website.

- One of the first things you'll probably notice is a protein structure on the right. This is an appetiser for a new feature called "Quips" ("QUite Interesting PDB Structures"). Quips are short stories about one or more interesting or topical structures, coupled with an interactive viewer and often a tutorial that allows users to delve a bit deeper using one or more PDBe resources. Try it out at: http://pdbe.org/quips

- If you look at the left of the front page, you'll find three new options at the top of the PDBe Tools menu - these give you quick access to the latest PDB and EMDB entries and (uniquely, we think) to new or revised chemical compounds in the PDB. The results are presented in a fresh new way (as opposed to a simple table or list) where each entry or ligand comes with annotation, an image, and buttons that take you to related pages or that launch PDBe services for that particular entry or compound. Give it a go at: http://pdbe.org/latest

- Speaking of chemical compounds in the PDB, the biologist-friendly structure browser (a.k.a. PDBeXplore) now has a new module that allows browsing and analysis of all entries that bind a certain chemical compound. Try it out with your favourite compound (or try ATP) at: http://pdbe.org/compounds (By the way, all the previous browser modules have undergone significant improvements and speed-up.)

- We have begun to incorporate or emulate some of the functionality offered by our colleagues at PDBsum. For example, our enzyme browser (http://pdbe.org/enzymes) now lists for every EC class you select how many structures there are in the PDB for that class. In this release of the website we also introduce PDBsum-inspired "PDB highlights", e.g. the oldest entries in the current release, the highest resolution crystal structures, the longest protein chains, etc. You can find them here: http://pdbe.org/highlights

- Searches of the PDB and EMDB from the search box in the top bar of the PDBe front page have also been improved and the results are now presented in the same way as the latest entries and the highlights. You can also type the name of a PDBe service (such as pdbefold or pdbepisa) in the search box and the system will take you to the appropriate page. The search box is available on the front page at http://pdbe.org/ (or if you just want to see a quick example, with hits in both PDB and EMDB, try: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/searchResults.html?display=both&term=baumeister)

- We introduce a new widget called PDBportfolio that we hope will soon be in widespread use on webpages everywhere (for instance: http://xray.bmc.uu.se/gerard/structures_pdbportfolio.html). For one or more PDB entries, PDBportfolio presents an annotated slideshow consisting of informative images, annotation and links for further information or exploration. Categories of information covered (in this first release of the widget) include the quaternary structure, contents of the deposited entry, Pfam/CATH/SCOP domain mappings on the structure, binding environment of one or more ligands and experiment-related information. To read more about this widget, go to: http://pdbe.org/portfolio PDBportfolio is already in use at the Uppsala Electron-Density Server, e.g.: http://eds.bmc.uu.se/cgi-bin/eds/uusfs?pdbCode=1cbs

- Our PDB Atlas pages have also been improved. The summary pages include the PDBportfolio widget discussed above (e.g.: http://pdbe.org/1cbs) and you can now launch protein-sequence searches of the entire PDB directly from the primary structure pages (e.g.: http://pdbe.org/1fss/primary) - simply click on the friendly green button labelled "Related PDB sequences". Further, we now provide Atlas pages for all possible PDB codes. If an entry is not in the current release of the archive, a message will be displayed that informs you about its status (e.g., theoretical model, superseded entry, deposited but not yet released entry, etc.) An example: http://pdbe.org/2y8d

- On the front page (under the "About us" tab) we now maintain a list of upcoming events in which PDBe staff will participate (roadshows, conferences, etc.). If you should participate in an event on this list, come and say hello! If you are interested in attending a roadshow from the list, get in touch. A shortcut to this page is: http://pdbe.org/events

- PDBe is now on Facebook. To get the latest PDBe updates in your Facebook news feed, simply "like" us - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Protein-Data-Bank-in-Europe-PDBe/153011668068957

- Finally, in January's Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research you can find an article describing recent developments and future plans of the Protein Data Bank in Europe - you can read or download the paper here: http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/39/suppl_1/D402


Gerard J. Kleywegt, PDBe, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK
ger...@ebi.ac.uk ..................... pdbe.org
Secretary: Pauline Haslam  pdbe_ad...@ebi.ac.uk

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