Once again, I've sent off a message only to one person that was intended for 
the BB.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Charles W. Carter, Jr" <car...@med.unc.edu>
> Date: February 14, 2011 6:23:16 PM EST
> To: Martin Picard <martin.picard...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] AMP-PNP Hydrolysis
> I take a similar viewpoint to Martin's. The hydrolysis of ATP analogs was 
> reviewed carefully by Ralph Yount who did the early work on AMP-PNP 
> (Biochemistry 1971, 10:2484) and he reviewed the field in a 1975 paper in 
> Advances in Enzymology (43:1-57).
> A remarkably widely ignored paper on the use of AMP-PNP is:
> Marston, S. B., Tregear, R. T., Bodger, C. D. & Clarke, M. L. (1979). 
> Coupling Between the Enzymatic Site of Myosin and the Mechanical Output of 
> Muscle. J. Mol. Biol. 128, 111-126. 
> In this paper, the authors show that glycerinated muscle fibers in Rigor 
> undergo a rapid, reversible, and stress-independent increase in rest length 
> equivalent to about half to three quarters of a cross bridge motion when 
> treated with AMPPNP. This happens without loss of stiffness. The only 
> conclusion I can draw from the abstract of this paper, which I've summarized 
> here, is that the analog is very rapidly hydrolyzed, presumeably by myosin, 
> and without dissociation of the rigor complexes. The hydrolysis products are 
> far less soluble in water than their homologous products from ATP hydrolysis, 
> according to splendid experiments done years ago by Dick Wolfenden. 
> This puts myosin in the unusual position of having to adapt to bound 
> products. Its only recourse is to adopt the "90 degree" attitude toward 
> actin, thus increasing the rest length by the just the right amount. In this 
> experiment, AMP-PNP is acting like a hydrolysis products analog. The rate of 
> hydrolysis, in situ, must be very rapid; otherwise the rigor complexes would 
> dissociate. I've discussed this with Mike Reedy at Duke, and I think he 
> agreed with this interpretation. It is a stupendous demonstration of 
> "macroscopic" reversibility of the myosin cross-bridge cycle.
> My interpretation, together with Martin's reference to the Ca pump protein 
> suggest that perhaps a massive amount of structural biology and biochemical 
> experimentation on adenine and guanine imido-phosphates has been 
> misinterpreted.
> Charlie
> On Feb 14, 2011, at 5:34 PM, Martin Picard wrote:
>> My five eurocents to the discussion ...
>> AMPPNP can also be specifically hydrolyzed by Serca1a, the Sarcoplasmic 
>> Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. Such cleavage was proven to be calcium-dependent 
>> meaning that AMPPNP is used by the ATPase as a genuine substrate although 
>> with a very slow kinetics compared to what is obtained with the cognate 
>> substrate ATP.
>> J Biol Chem. 1981 Oct 10;256(19):9793-5.
>> Sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase catalyzes hydrolysis of adenyl-5'-yl 
>> imidodiphosphate.
>> Taylor JS.
>> Abstract
>> Sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase has been found to cleave the ATP analog 
>> adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate in a calcium-dependent reaction. The reaction 
>> products were determined by 31P NMR to be inorganic phosphate and 
>> adenyl-5'-yl phosphoramidate (AMP-PN). AMP-PNP hydrolysis, like ATP 
>> hydrolysis, drives active Ca2+ accumulation by sarcoplasmic reticulum 
>> vesicles.
>> PMID: 6456267 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
>> This property allowed us to indeed trap and cystallize the protein under an 
>> AMPPN-bound, phosphoenzyme intermediate, that was proposed to be a fair 
>> mimick of the so-called E1P (Ca2+).ADP state.
>> Display Settings:AbstractSend to:
>> Nature. 2007 Dec 13;450(7172):1036-42.
>> The structural basis of calcium transport by the calcium pump.
>> Olesen C, Picard M, Winther AM, Gyrup C, Morth JP, Oxvig C, Møller JV, 
>> Nissen P.
>> Centre for Membrane Pumps in Cells and Disease-PUMPKIN, Danish National 
>> Research Foundation, University of Aarhus, Ole Worms Alle, blg. 1185, DK - 
>> 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
>> Comment in:
>> Nature. 2007 Dec 13;450(7172):957-9.
>> Abstract
>> The sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, a P-type ATPase, has a critical role 
>> in muscle function and metabolism. Here we present functional studies and 
>> three new crystal structures of the rabbit skeletal muscle Ca2+-ATPase, 
>> representing the phosphoenzyme intermediates associated with Ca2+ binding, 
>> Ca2+ translocation and dephosphorylation, that are based on complexes with a 
>> functional ATP analogue, beryllium fluoride and aluminium fluoride, 
>> respectively. The structures complete the cycle of nucleotide binding and 
>> cation transport of Ca2+-ATPase. Phosphorylation of the enzyme triggers the 
>> onset of a conformational change that leads to the opening of a luminal exit 
>> pathway defined by the transmembrane segments M1 through M6, which represent 
>> the canonical membrane domain of P-type pumps. Ca2+ release is promoted by 
>> translocation of the M4 helix, exposing Glu 309, Glu 771 and Asn 796 to the 
>> lumen. The mechanism explains how P-type ATPases are able to form the steep 
>> electrochemical gradients required for key functions in eukaryotic cells.
>> PMID: 18075584 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
>> Martin Picard
>> Le 14 févr. 2011 à 22:53, "Prince, D Bryan" <dbryan.pri...@astrazeneca.com> 
>> a écrit :
>>> Hello Steve,
>>> You can also check out this paper: Bystrom, Pettigrew, Remington and 
>>> Branchaud (1997) Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Vol 7 No 20 
>>> pp2613-2616. It describes the creation of AMPPCF2P, which I had opportunity 
>>> to use a few years back and it worked great!
>>> Good luck,
>>> Bryan
>>> Confidentiality Notice: This message is private and may contain 
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>>> unauthorized use or disclosure of the contents of this message is not 
>>> permitted and may be unlawful.
>>> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Derek 
>>> Logan
>>> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 4:16 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] AMP-PNP Hydrolysis
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> Funnily enough I just read the following paper today, which describes 
>>> exactly this phenomenon:
>>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21093442
>>> Is AMPPCP as sensitive to acid conditions? I would suspect not.
>>> Best wishes
>>> Derek
>>> ___________________________________________________________________
>>> Derek Logan                                    tel: +46 46 222 1443
>>> Associate Professor                            fax: +46 46 222 4692
>>> Dept. of Biochemistry and Structural Biology   mob: +46 76 8585 707
>>> Centre for Molecular Protein Science           www.cmps.lu.se
>>> Lund University, Box 124, 221 00 Lund, Sweden  www.saromics.com
>>> On Feb 14, 2011, at 15:05, Young-Jin Cho wrote:
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> With my experience, it is (very) common to see AMPPNP is hydrolyzed to 
>>> AMPPN (supposedly) with my protein.  Although the literature often reported 
>>> AMPPNP as a stable ATP mimic, such a luck wasn't true with my case, maybe 
>>> same as you.  If you go to Sigma website where I purchased, it may say it 
>>> is not stable in an acidic condition.  My mother liquor was in an acidic 
>>> condition. So you'd better consider if you used it in an acidic condition, 
>>> otherwise, your protein inherently has a strong power to hydrolyze it.  In 
>>> addition to the pH, I often see it can go hydrolysis easily.  However, you 
>>> can try more as you mentioned it may contain impurity. I just want to 
>>> inform you that it is not surprising to see this hydrolysis.
>>> Good luck~
>>> Young-Jin
>>> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Soisson, Stephen M 
>>> <stephen_sois...@merck.com> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> Was recently looking at a structure of an enzyme with AMP-PNP added to the 
>>> crystallization mix, and all I see is density for ADP.  I was wondering if 
>>> hydrolysis of AMP-PNP to ADP is relatively common - either as a result of 
>>> extended time in crystallization or exposure of the resultant crystals to 
>>> synchrotron radiation? 
>>> I know that there can be up to 10% contamination of ADP in the purchased 
>>> material, so it could just be that we have selected that form in the 
>>> crystal, or that there was endogenous ADP bound that failed to substitute.  
>>> Just curious if hydrolysis is a common observation.
>>> Thanks in advance- 
>>> Steve
>>> Stephen M. Soisson, Ph.D. 
>>> Structural Chemistry Site Lead, WP
>>> Merck Research Laboratories 
>>> 770 Sumneytown Pike, WP14-1101 
>>> West Point, PA  19486 
>>> Phone:  (215) 652-6185 
>>> Fax:    (215) 652-9051 
>>> stephen_sois...@merck.com
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>>> http://www.merck.com/contact/contacts.html) that may be confidential,
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