That's approximately the bandwidth of a Si (111) monochromator.
On Wed, 9 Feb 2011, Andre Luis Berteli Ambrosio wrote:
Dear ccp4bb, I sometimes find the flux of x-ray sources reported in units of “photons/s/0.1% bandwidth” instead of simply “photons/s”. Where does the “1/0.1% bandwidth” unit come from? I have also seen other percentages like 0.01% bw or 0.02% bw… Is it simply defining some degree of acceptance in energy (for example, the flux between 8 KeV +/- 8 eV for a given stored current)? Does it somehow have to do with energy resolution? Thank you in advance for your answers, -Andre Ambrosio
-- ========================================================================= Robert M. Sweet E-Dress: Group Leader, PXRR: Macromolecular ^ (that's L Crystallography Research Resource at NSLS not 1) Biology Dept Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. Phones: Upton, NY 11973 631 344 3401 (Office) U.S.A. 631 344 2741 (Facsimile) =========================================================================