Dear Francis,
The quick answer is no. My initial advice
would be to process the data in the usual way, but treating the images
starting at "phistart" as one "run" and the images starting at
"phistart+180" as a different run. This makes a number of assumption
1. That the images are numbered appropriately to allow you to do this.
If not you may have to rename them.
2. That the "blocks" of images (ie the number of images collected
before phi is changed to phi+180 or back again) are small enough that
one can assume that the scale factors and B factors are varying
smoothly with no discontinuities within the two runs (phistart and
phistart+180), so that the smooth scaling in SCALA works correctly. If
this is not the case, you may have to make each "block" of images a
separate run in SCALA (but this could have its own problems if there
are not many images). You must, of course, make sure that the two runs
(phistart and phistart+180) are indeed recognised as separate runs by
SCALA, this will depend on the batch numbers assigned to each image.
3. That the goniometry on the beamline is sufficiently stable that
there are no discontinuities in the phi values when switching between
phi and phi+180.
4. That the crystal mount is stable enough that there are no
discontinuities in crystal orientation between different blocks.
These factors will depend on how the data has been collected,but for
the (relatively few) inverse beam data sets that I have processed
(where phi was changed to phi+180 after every image), the default
procedure worked well.
Best wishes,
On 2 Feb 2011, at 00:03, Francis E Reyes wrote:
Hi all
Is there a walkthru/tutorial for processing inverse beam images with
imosflm/scala? Googling a few things didn't get me anywhere.
Francis E. Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder
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