Dear all,

the ccp4 users' wiki at was, during the last couple of days, the target of some wiki abuse/vandalism. To clear the mess, we deleted those newly-produced articles containing advertising links, and removed the fake users.

Yesterday we had to stop creation of new user accounts. On Tue, we'll re-enable it to see what happens.

Furthermore, we protect user creation now with a "captcha" mechanism which should be effective against bots - but unfortunately there seem to be people behind these efforts so this is not 100% effective against the current attack (it does slow down, though).

In addition, we might in the future enable the "captcha" mechanism for those edits which insert new outside URLs into existing articles.

In summary, _reading_ the wiki is still possible, but creating new user accounts (which is necessary if you have never before created/edited an article in the wiki) is currently suspended and will be re-enabled in the near future - but with a captcha.

Sorry for the inconvenience for new users!


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