Dear all, In case you have not heard of us: We are the Young Crystallographers Group (YCG) of the British Crystallographic Association (BCA) and we are in the process of organising our annual meeting.
The YC2011 Satellite will take place from the afternoon of 11th April to lunchtime on 12th April prior to the BCA Spring Meeting at Keele University (12th -14th April 2011). As in previous years the YC Satellite has a lot to offer. Three sessions of oral presentations will run over the course of Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. These sessions are a superb opportunity for Young Crystallographers (i.e. graduate students or post docs within 5 years of graduation) to discuss their work in a relaxed environment and practise their presentation skills. On Monday evening there will be a poster session together with a buffet dinner and drinks. The Parkin Lecture will take place on Tuesday morning and the meeting will finish off with a short session on professional development. Accommodation and registration for the YC2011 will be free for Young Crystallographers once more (provided you register for the main meeting as well, of course) and should be done either by filling in the registration form (make sure you tick the little box!) or by registering online on the BCA Spring Meeting website (, where you can also find further information on bursary applications. In addition there are bursaries available through the PCG and further details can be found on their website. Whilst the presenters should be genuine YCs you don't have to be a YC to attend our meeting! So all we need now is your abstracts! Deadline for abstracts to be considered for oral contributions is 14th January 2011 and deadline for poster abstracts is 4th February 2011. Abstracts should be submitted through the BCA Spring Meeting abstract submission website ( using the template provided. As in previous years there will be some prizes for outstanding contributions to be awarded at the main conference dinner so get in there quick! For further information please see our website See you all in Keele! Susanne Coles (née Huth) YCG chair