Dear all

Those of you who attended the CCP4 Study "Weekend" at Warwick University this week (either in vivo or in silico), and who stayed to the end will remember Roberto Steiner's suggestion that some of the younger members of the audience may wish to become involved in software development themselves.

The IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing ("CompComm") will be holding a Computing School immediately before the Madrid IUCr General Assembly and Congress this August that is intended to expose younger members of the Crystallographic community to the knowledge and experience of senior developers across the whole science. CCP4BB readers will possibly be most interested in those developers in macromolecular crystallography; the following people in this field have accepted our invitations to speak -

        Paul Emsley
        Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve
        Garib Murshudov
        George Sheldrick
        Tom Terwilliger

There are many other speakers who will concentrate on their own specialities (e.g. powder diffraction, small-molecule crystallography), but who will offer food for thought for all.

The School is intended for prospective (or current...) developers, not to help those people who just want to run the programs better. Registration will be open to all, but priority will be given to postgrads and postdocs; we hope to have a number of bursaries available for applicants from less economically favoured regions.

We are still finalising items such as the registration fee, but I expect to be able to make the website live by the end of January with more comprehensive details.

Watch this space...

Dr Harry Powell,
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Hills Road,

Treasurer British Crystallographic Association
Chairman ECA SIG9 (Crystallographic Computing)
Acting Chairman IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing

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