*****************************FINAL NOTICE*******************************

on WEDNESDAY 15TH DECEMBER at University of Reading


IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SLIGHT CHANGE IN PROGRAMME: Martin Walsh, from Diamond, will address the meeting briefly in the morning regarding phase III prioritisation at Diamond. See further info with important links provided below.


Register now for the BSG Winter Meeting via the following link:


NOTICE TO STUDENTS: ------------------ We have a few student bursaries left for anyone who would like to apply but missed the Wed 8th Dec deadline - LAST CHANCE TO SEND ABSTRACT NOW!

Diamond Phase III and Importance to MX community

Dear All, We are still hoping that many of you can participate in the open meeting that is being held at Diamond on the 16th December to discuss revision and submission of new ideas for beamlines dedicated to MX within phase III of Diamond, which was given the green light by the new government recently (to register click here <http://www.diamond.ac.uk/Home/Events/mx_phaseiii.html> , as soon as possible or preferably before end of this week). The meeting will be held at Diamond from 11:00 to 16:00.

We want to ensure that people are aware that the landscape of synchrotron access for the UK MX community is changing. Last week, the STFC announced a reduction in the UK's subscription costs to the ESRF as part of the Governments strategy to constrain budgets. The announcement by the STFC can be read in full from the news section on the Web page (www.stfc.ac.uk) or click here <http://www.stfc.ac.uk/About%20STFC/20403.aspx> to go directly to the news item.

The current Phase III beamline prioritisation schedule <http://www.diamond.ac.uk/Home/Beamlines/PhaseIII/non-shortlisted.html> is such that the ideas for beamlines have to be submitted by 20th December 2010 - this will be the last opportunity the UK community has to put its case for new beamlines in Phase III. We believe that your input into the type of MX infrastructure the UK community requires for the next 10 years is vital if the community is to maintain a leading role in structural biology worldwide.

The full and enthusiastic support of the community will be required if there is to be a compelling case for increased MX capacity at Diamond. If you think there is a case to be made we urge you to engage, ideally through attendance at the meeting on the 16th Dec at Diamond, or by contacting us before the 16th December, where we will attempt to present your views and support.

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