In refmac you can remove vdw interactions between chains using the following 

It is an example:

vdwr exclude between chains A B

or between resdues:

vdwr exclude between residues first residue 123 chain A second residue 155 
chain B


On 8 Dec 2010, at 16:09, Keitaro Yamashita wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm refining complex structure against X-ray diffraction data with
> packing disorder.
> (Some domains overlap with their symmetry mates (4-fold), so their
> occupancies are set to 0.25)
> I'd like to know whether refinement programs can exclude any
> interaction among symmetry mates from geometric term in target
> function.
> Can it be done only for specific chains?
> I was thankfully taught phenix.refine could do that with the option
> pdb_interpretation.custom_nonbonded_symmetry_exclusion in phenixbb.
> I'd very much like to know whether Refmac5, CNS or other programs can do that.
> (When I tried to refine using Refmac5, the output told many vdw
> repulsions with symmetry mates.)
> Thank you very much in advance,
> K. Yamashita

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