Dear all I'm refining a 33kDa protein model and I have noticed that although all other statistics seem fine, B factor values are quite low, with many around 7-10A2 and average overall values as follows.
Total number of atoms in chain A 2378 Average B value for main chain A 10.684 Average B value for side chain A 12.755 Average B value for whole chain A 11.665 Average rms B for 312 main chain residues 0.748 Average rms B for 273 side chain residues 1.777 These are values after anisotropic B refinement, with 1 TLS group in refmac5. I get similar results if refinement is done without TLS (using model + mtz before doing TLS refinement) and with isotropic/overall/anisotropic B refinement and. Resetting B values to an arbitrary high value (50 or 70) and rerunning refinement with all possible options on/off also gives the same results. Using Phenix, after resetting B values before refinement to arbitrary values and with anisotropic or isotropic refinement, with or without occupancy refinement also gives similar results. As refinement of related molecules (but in different ligand bound states) from similar quality crystals results in models with more realistic B factors (as shown bellow), I strongly suspect that the B factors for this protein have been over refined. However, I'm not sure what other refinement settings to use to avoid this problem. Total number of atoms in chain A 2352 Average B value for main chain A 20.651 Average B value for side chain A 21.815 Average B value for whole chain A 21.199 Any help and advice is most appreciated. Best regards Paula ======================================================== Dr Paula Salgado Division of Molecular Biosciences Department of Life Sciences Faculty of Natural Sciences Biochemistry Building, 5th Floor Imperial College London South Kensington Campus SW7 2AZ London Tel: +44 (0)2075945464 Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 3057