NIH funded Postdoctoral scientist position is available to study the structure and function of proteins in Nitric Oxide-cGMP signaling cascade. These enzymes modulate the cellular level of cGMP or the cellular response to this crucial secondary messenger and represent therapeutic targets for treating many hypertensive diseases, such as arterial and pulmonary hypertension, heart failure and erectile dysfunction. For more information, please visit website
The successful candidate should have strong background and experience in molecular cloning, protein purification and biophysical characterization and x-ray crystallography. The qualified candidates must have a PhD or equivalent. Competitive salary and benefits are offered based on experience and qualifications. The laboratory is located in Texas Medical Center campus, which provides an excellent environment for academia and research. The lab is well equipped including robotics to facilitate overproduction and crystallization of proteins and has ready access to the Berkeley ALS beamline in the framework of the molecular biology consortium. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and and arrange to have 3 letters of reference sent to Prof. Kim ( Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. -- CRITICAL-Stop the ACTA. Daniel Ra Lab Sysadmin Choel Kim Structural Biology Laboratory Department of Pharmacology, Baylor College of Medicine, Alkek N510, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX 77030 713-798-8687 (Lab) 713-798-3145 (Fax)