17-November-2010 Announcement - Change in EMDB Hold Policy for Maps Effective January 2011, the option to hold EM map volumes for two years before release to the public will no longer be available to EM Data Bank depositors. This policy change implements a recent recommendation of the EMDB Advisory Committee and reflects the strong support in the community for elimination of long hold periods for scientific data. EMDB depositors will continue to have the following options for release of maps and associated masks, structure factors, and/or layer-line data: release immediately, hold until publication, or hold for 1 year. These options are the same that apply for atomic models and associated experimental data deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), thus ensuring consistency of the hold policies of these closely related core resources of biomacromolecular structure data. The full policy can be viewed at http://emdatabank.org/hold_policy.html.
Please contact us at h...@emdatabank.org with any questions or comments about this policy change. The EMDataBank.org Team