Dear dengzq1987 (Gmail Research Institute?)

You could use ammonium acetate as the solubilizing salt. It evaporates as 
ammonia and acetic acid, so that the ionic strength is gradually reduced by 
vapor diffusion. You would then have e.g. PEG in the reservoir and added to the 
drop, and you could also supply the reservoirs with another salt to get a 
proper water flow in the experiment. I think that several protein:DNA complexes 
ahve been crystallized like this, although I have no specific references at 

On your fist question for ssDNA length - hard to say from the info you provide. 
I suggest you go first for a minimal length that still ensures a high affinity 
complex, i.e. a trimmed comlex yet intact on the functional relevance as one 
would prefer for any protein construct also. Systematic DNA variations apply 
foremost to dsDNA complexes where the DNA length and ss overhangs are critical 
rationales in crystallization screening with the dsDNA typically forming a 
"selfassembled" scaffold in the crystal 


> Hi all,
> I want to sovle the structrue of ssDNA -protein complex.but the protein are 
> unstable at low salt concentration,so we use 1M Nacl in the buffer.  the high 
> salt content may disrupt  the complex.and I
> don't know which ssDNA lenght  try fist.any suggestion or experience are 
> welcome.
> thank you!
> 2010-10-31
> dengzq1987

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