On Sat, 23 Oct 2010 10:05:15 -0700 Pavel Afonine <pafon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tim, > > ...but I hope this answers the question: > Babinet's vs. the flat model? Use them together! ;) > > > thanks a lot for your reply. > > Could you please explain the *****physical***** meaning of using both > models together? I can try! Typically, we model the bulk solvent using a real space mask that is set to 1 in the bulk solvent region and 0 in the protein. This gets Fourier transformed, symmetrized and added in to the scattering factors from the molecule (Equation 1 in the paper, page 6 in your presentation): Ftot = Fc + ks*Fs*exp(-Bs*s^2/4) which works great and is how things are usually coded in most macromolecular software, no problems or arguments there. However, we can come from the opposite - but equivalent! - direction of Babinet's principle, which tells us the bulk solvent can also be modeled by inverting everything: set the bulk solvent region to 0 and the protein region to 1 in the real space mask, apply a Fourier transform to that and then invert the phase: Ftot = Fc - ks*Fm*exp(-Bs*s^2/4) (I'm using Fm to distinguish it from Fs, due to the inversion of 0's and 1's in the real space mask) This is equation 2 in the paper. So we're still using the flat model to compute Fm, and we're using Babinet's principle to add it in to the structure factors - although its better described as adding the inverse (thus the minus sign in the second equation) of the complement (Fm rather than Fs). These two equations are exactly equivalent, without any loss of generality. So, I would argue the flat model and Babinet's are very much congruous. Also take a look at the description/discussion in the paper regarding Figure 2 (which helped me think about things at first). The big difference is that Babinet's is usually applied as: Ftot = Fc - ks*Fc*exp(-Bs*s^2/4) which, I would argue, isn't quite right - the bulk solvent doesn't scatter like protein, but it does get the shape right. Which I think is why Fokine and Urzhumtsev point out that at high resolution this form would start to show disagreement with the data. I haven't looked at this explicitly though, so we still haven't answered that question! We didn't want to spend much time on it in the paper, our main goal was to try out the differentiable models we describe. The Babinet trick was a convenient way to make coding easier. Anyway, I hope this helps explain it a bit more, and again: sorry for the long-windedness. Regards, Tim -- --------------------------------------------------------- Tim Fenn f...@stanford.edu Stanford University, School of Medicine James H. Clark Center 318 Campus Drive, Room E300 Stanford, CA 94305-5432 Phone: (650) 736-1714 FAX: (650) 736-1961 ---------------------------------------------------------