Am 20:59, schrieb James Holton:

The loss of the 1/r^2 term arises because diffraction from a crystal is
"compressed" into very sharp peaks. That is, as the crystal gets larger,
the interference fringes (spots) get smaller, but the total number of
scattered photons must remain constant. The photons/area at the
tippy-top of this "transform-limited peak" is (theoretically) very
large, but difficult to measure directly as it only exists over an
exquisitely tiny solid angle at a very precise "still" crystal
orientation. In real experiments, one does not see this
transform-limited peak intensity because it is "blurred" by other
effects, like the finite size of a pixel (usually very much larger than
the peak), the detector point-spread function, the mosaicity of the
crystal, unit cell inhomogeneity (Nave disorder) and the spread of
angles in the incident beam (often called "divergence" or "crossfire").
It is this last effect that often tricks people into thinking that spot
intensity falls off with 1/r. However, if you do the experiment of
chopping down the beam to a very low divergence, choosing a wavelength
where air absorption is negligible, and then measuring the same
diffraction spot at several different detector distances you really do
find that the pixel intensity is the same: independent of distance.


Hi James,

as always, I enjoy your explanations a lot.

Just one minor point - I would not quite agree that the solid angle of a reflection is _that_ exquisitely small, even in the absence of finite pixel size, mosaicity, unit cell inhomogeneity and crossfire (wavelength dispersion could be added to the list of non-ideal conditions).

In fact a crystal is composed of mosaic blocks (size roughly 1 um, maybe bigger for some space-grown crystals), and the coherence length is (taking numbers from Bernhard) several 0.1 um to several 10 um.

Thus, if we assume a wavelength of 1A, then the angle arising from the finite size of the mosaic-block-and-coherence-length-combined is on the order of 1A/1um, which at 100mm distance means a width of about 0.1mm - the size of a typical detector pixel.

(It follows that if we build detectors with much smaller pixels than 0.1mm this won't help much in increasing the signal/noise ratio; in particular, it won't help to measure data from tiny crystals unless these are single mosaic blocks.)


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