Dear Tingwei

Ting-Wei Jiang wrote:
Dear all

For a particular purpose, I have to use a file contains pseudo translation.

All my trials were got from PDB but there's still no trans vector was detected using molrep-selfrotation.

Or some structures on PDB don't provide the structure factor file which is for converting to MTZ file.(I also can't convert mmCIF to MTZ using cif2mtz)

Sometimes, cif parser may not parse data correctly due to complexity of the cif file or different cif token used in the parser or the file. This may be one of the reasons that cif2mtz fails to convert. Did you try the rcsb server ?
You only upload a cif file and select the output format (MTZ) to run.

It's annoying that asking a simple question but I've really stuck in reverse for a week.

any suggestion would be appreciated. thanks a lot!





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