That seems the right procedure.
I presume the two crystals have similar cell, etc?
What is the Riso plot from scaleit look like - if it is 55% + then there
is no isomorphism, but if it is < 30% then the map should be reasonable.
which phase did you use for the map calculation?
intekhab alam wrote:
Hi Folks
I have a query regarding the difference map between the two structures
ligand bound data (2.5A) and native (2.8A).
I tried to calculate the fourier difference map between two data sets ligand
bound- native.
The protocol in CCP4 that i used is as:
1.merge the mtz file of native nad ligand bound using cad
2. scaling this combine file with scaleit program followed by map generation
uisng fft.
I got the map but i did not find the fu;ll map of the ligand,i can only see
small density nera the ligand binding site at 5 sigma level.
I have calculated omit map that cleraly showed the ligand.
why is such discrepency in the two cases, is there is something missing from
the calculation. kindly help me out.
Thanks and regards
Intekhab alam