After running phenix.xtriage the possible point group is P622 and possible 
spacegroups are P622,P6122,P6522,P6222,P6422,P6322. Using this information when 
I run PHASER, P6322 is shown to be the most probable one.After 5 cycles of 
phenix.refine R-& R-free - 57 & 60 respectively.
From other crystallization papers, I found that data having translational 
pseudosymmetry had been solved in low-symmetry spacegroup firstly and then in 
higher symmetry.My query is:Is the data in lower symmetry spacegroup used  for 
higher symmetry or the raw-data is processed individually in higher symmetry? 
if raw data is used,then why not starting with higher symmetry directly? if 
data got in lower symmetry group is used,then what is the procedure?Are the 
.mtz & .pdb files generated in Refmac used for higher symmetry?
Thanks in advance.

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