I am working on 45 kd protein (pI 5.3) for crystallization . It is in pGEX 
vector.I do the expression (induction 24 degree 16 hrs) and purification from 
 Rosetta 2 DE3 cells (has additional rare codon).when I run the affinity 
chromatography purified protein (cleaved protein after removal of tag) on SDS 
PAGE I do find 2 bands (one of 45 kd and other 2-3 kd less). The same pattern 
being retained after FPLC.  Intensity of both the bands remain same even after 
one or two week of storage at 4 degree. Peptide mass fingerprinting (after 
trypsin digestion) suggest both are my proteins except minor difference in some 
peptide peaks.  Is it  because of rare codon/degradation  of protein of 
or any other possibilities? Can I use this mixure for crystallization?

With Regards


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