Dear All

there will be a CCP4 school at Osaka University from 8 - 12 November 2010.

The aim of this school will be to cover all aspects of the structure solution 
process in macromolecular crystallography, starting from data processing, 
through phasing and refinement, and ending with validation and deposition.

The school will cover many popular programs used for data processing and 
structure solution with the software developers available to help throughout 
the week. Programs covered will include: Mosflm, Scala, Refmac, ArpWarp, 
Phaser, Coot, SHELXC/D/E, Balbes, Mrbump, Buccaneer and many more.

Details are available at

Speakers include Garib Murshudov, Phil Evans, Gerrit Langer, Nobutoshi Ito and 
Min Yao.

First priority will be given to Japanese students

Charles Ballard

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