Dear George,

a small correction if I may:

you will not find TLS in the index, because the credit for
implementing this very useful concept should be given to
Martin Winn, Garib and Ethan, long after the current version
of SHELXL (and its manual) were released in 1997.

Acta Cryst. (*1985*). A41, 426-433
Restrained structure-factor least-squares refinement of protein structures using a vector processing computer
I. Haneef, D. S. Moss, M. J. Stanford and N. Borkakoti

*Abstract:* A least-squares refinement program /RESTRAIN/ has been developed, which is capable of refining macromolecular structures using structure amplitudes, phases from isomorphous replacement or anomalous scattering and pseudo-energy restraints. In addition to positional parameters and isotropic temperature factors, anisotropic mean-square displacements may be refined either as individual atomic *U* tensors or as *TLS* tensors applied to groups of atoms. Anharmonic effects may be handled by coupling together occupancies to enable the electron density of an atomic group to be distributed over more than one subsite. A novel way of restraining groups of atoms to be planar has been developed that does not require dummy atoms and does not restrain the plane to lie in its current orientation.

One can find other, earlier programs, but they are small molecule specific.


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