Dear Paul Holland,

I would spend some time in improving the search model, first. If there are more than one possible search molecules in the PDB, I usually do a structural alignment (ssm superposition) to get an idea about the flexibility of the search molecules. Then I remove all parts that I suspect to be flexible (usually N- and C-termini, long loops), until I get a very compact search model. You may try a model with no side-chain truncation, since in the hydrophobic core, there might be a similar isosteric packing of atoms. In addition, I would truncate the side chains either to the longest common chain (with ctruncate) if there is a good sequence alignment, or to poly-Ser or even poly-Ala. I would try these "core"-models as search models, with the idea that missing atoms lower the signal, but wrong atoms raise the noise and may produce wrong clashes. In case of several search models, where each individual model fails, you may try to run Phaser using all of them simultaneously as a search ensemble. This model-pruning together with a search-ensemble of several PDB entries worked recently in a project, where otherwise all molecular replacement trials failed.

Good luck,


Am 13.09.10 16:52, schrieb Paul Holland:
Hello fellow crystallographers,

I am trying molecular replacement for a protein crystal dataset that has very 
high sequence similarity to the search model with several predicted flexible 
loop regions; however, all attempts at finding a solution have not produce very 
ideal starting solutions using Phaser and Molrep (CC = 0.3 and Z-score = 5).  I 
am very confident that the unit cell parameters are C2 84.027  120.565  108.272 
 90.00 104.71  90.00, and there appears to be no evidence of twinning.  The 
Matthews calculation predicts from anywhere from 2-4 monomers in the ASU, and 
calculation of the SRF in Molrep does not identify any peaks in higher order 
symmetry except for the expected crystallographic two-fold for C2.  Below is 
the table from the calculated SRF in molrep.  Any advice would be greatly 

#                    theta    phi    chi     alpha   beta  gamma         Rf     
Sol_RF   1     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     870.5           
Sol_RF   2    58.61  -10.17  180.00  169.83 -117.23   10.17     162.5      4.03
Sol_RF   3    66.02   -0.00  180.00  180.00 -132.03    0.00     161.1      4.00
Sol_RF   4    58.42   -9.54  180.00  170.46 -116.85    9.54     159.8      3.96
Sol_RF   5   149.84    0.00  180.00 -180.00   60.32    0.00     156.0      3.87
Sol_RF   6    58.96   -5.52  180.00  174.48 -117.91    5.52     151.5      3.76
Sol_RF   7    65.59   20.95  180.00   20.95  131.18  159.05     143.9      3.57
Sol_RF   8    90.00  -98.96  180.00    0.00  180.00   17.92     142.9      3.55
Sol_RF   9    56.53   15.78  180.00   15.78  113.07  164.22     142.0      3.52
Sol_RF  10    71.10  -19.94  180.00  160.06 -142.20   19.94     141.6      3.51
Sol_RF  11    71.28   29.78  180.00   29.78  142.55  150.22     140.4      3.48
Sol_RF  12    65.22  -15.88  180.00  164.12 -130.44   15.88     139.2      3.45
Sol_RF  13    68.84   -0.00  180.00  180.00 -137.67    0.00     138.0      3.42
Sol_RF  14    32.51 -180.00  180.00 -180.00   65.02   -0.00     137.9      3.42
Sol_RF  15    75.02  -28.84  180.00  151.16 -150.04   28.84     134.7      3.34
Sol_RF  16    71.69  -20.99  180.00  159.01 -143.37   20.99     133.0      3.30
Sol_RF  17    92.13  101.46  179.93  102.35 -175.74   79.42     130.9      3.25
Sol_RF  18   107.89  144.73  179.79  145.06 -144.22   35.61     128.8      3.19
Sol_RF  19    87.45  -78.19  180.00  101.81 -174.90   78.19     128.1      3.18
Sol_RF  20    38.57    0.69   30.36  102.66  -18.79  -78.71     122.4      3.04
Sol_RF  21    26.77  174.59  176.58  172.68   53.52    3.49     120.5      2.99
Sol_RF  22   116.66  178.08  175.14    3.49  126.48  187.32     120.5      2.99
Sol_RF  23    75.56  -41.35  180.00  138.65 -151.12   41.35     119.8      2.97
Sol_RF  24    66.12   36.35  180.00   36.35  132.24  143.65     116.6      2.89
Sol_RF  25    83.87   71.62  180.00   71.62  167.74  108.38     114.7      2.85
Sol_RF  26    69.24  -12.37  180.00  167.63 -138.48   12.37     112.3      2.79
Sol_RF  27    59.75   15.26  172.29    7.64  119.07  157.12     112.2      2.78
Sol_RF  28   120.25 -164.74  172.29   22.88  119.07  172.36     112.2      2.78
Sol_RF  29    96.68  -70.99  180.00  109.01 -166.63   70.99     110.9      2.75
Sol_RF  30    63.23  -44.73  180.00  135.27 -126.47   44.73     108.9      2.70


Paul Holland


Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center Munich, A5.07
Department of Biochemistry
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
D-81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845
Fax:    +49-89-2180-76999

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