I don't think this is uncommon at all. For example, we published a structure where 10 chains did not bind ligand at all, and 2 chains did in the ASU (see PDB 3E3I). We have also recently solved a structure where two active sites in the ASU are in different states.


On 9/8/2010 12:50 PM, Rongjin Guan wrote:
Dear All,
I have a structure with two complexes in the asymmetric unit, and the interactions
on the interface are not the same in the two complexes. Briefly, there are two additional
hydrogen bonds in one complex, but not in the other. This coule be due to crystallization
artefact, but may have other explanations.
Can anyone direct us to some references where this has been discussed before?
Thank you very much
Rongjin Guan

Roger S. Rowlett
Department of Chemistry
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

tel: (315)-228-7245
ofc: (315)-228-7395
fax: (315)-228-7935
email: rrowl...@colgate.edu

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